What is Qeld for partners?

Qeld? Don't we just mean 'Geld'? No, we are talking about Qeld: flexible business loans for entrepreneurs. Just like the spelling of the company name, Qeld does it all just a little differently: faster, easier and more effective.

Qeld is the Dutch division of Qred: the expert in business loans. Quid is a Swedish company, founded in 2015, with a clear goal: to make financing for entrepreneurs easier, faster and more flexible. We love small entrepreneurs and offer them the opportunity to grow, invest and build their dreams! 

How do we do this? By providing flexible business loans that can be repaid at any time. This means an entrepreneur only pays for the period he or she actually needs the loan. Qeld offers business loans from €1,000 to €500,000, with no start-up costs or hassles.

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