Qeld Partner

Become a partner of Qeld!

Do you provide services and/or products to other entrepreneurs, e.g. lease cars, IT management, construction materials, administrative service, etc.? Through Qeld , your customers can receive a business loan for purchase of your products/services, allowing you to continue to grow in a competitive market!

From pre-financing of VAT to purchase of new equipment or machinery: Qeld supports all lending goals of entrepreneurs, making you always eligible for a partnership - no matter what sector you operate in!

Benefits Qeld -partnership

Opportunity to reach more customers | Opportunity to sell more products/services | Qeld bears financial risk of lending
Become a partner of Qeld

Sounds interesting?
Then contact us with no obligation!

Becoming a partner can be as quick and easy as applying for a loan at Qeld. Contact our partnership manager now and start referring your own clients right away, to grow your own business.

Jeroen Houwink

Partnerships Manager jeroen.houwink@qred.com

Fördelar med ett partnerskap med Qred:

  • Register as a
    partner of Qeld

    Fill out your details and send us an application to become a partner of Qeld . We promise to get back to you soon with a response.

  • Start referring customers immediately

    Sending tips on new clients is very easy. We handle all referrals quickly and professionally.
  • Receive rewards for successful leads

    Does the customer you referred take out a loan with us? If so, you may be eligible for additional rewards and incentives.

Frequently asked questions

Who can apply for a loan with Qeld?

All Dutch entrepreneurs, large and small, can apply for a business loan at Qeld , including BVs, VoFs and ZZP'ers. The only hard requirements we set are that the company is already registered in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce (valid Chamber of Commerce number) and that the management of the company is resident in the Netherlands. It does not matter in which sector the company is active, how long the company has existed or how many employees there are: Qeld evaluates each application individually based on a fast and sophisticated credit assessment.

We give all entrepreneurs, small and large, a chance!

What are the advantages of a partnership with Qeld?

As a partner of Qeld, you are potentially eligible for a rewarding commission structure on successful referrals. Do you supply services and/or goods to other entrepreneurs, for example, company cars, IT management, building materials, etc.? Then a partnership with Qeld can provide your clients with direct funding to purchase services/products. This gives you the opportunity to increase your client base, while at the same time benefiting from an attractive Qeld commission on each closed loan: a win-win situation for Qeld partners!

Advantages of a partnership with Qeld:

  • Commissions on accepted referrals
  • Ability to help more customers
  • Opportunity to sell more products/services
  • Additional growth opportunities in competitive market 
  • Qeld bears financial risk of lending 

What are the costs involved with Qeld's business loans?

Qeld does not use a standard rate, but evaluates each credit application individually. This means that each entrepreneur receives a personalized offer from Qeld . Entrepreneurs at Qeld pay a fixed monthly fee for using the loan (user fees), plus a monthly repayment on the business loan (amortization). Are you curious about your loan options and costs? Then submit a no-obligation application at Qeld and our team will get right to work with a free cost calculation!

What is Qeld for partners?

Qeld? Don't we just mean 'Geld'? No, we are talking about Qeld: flexible business loans for entrepreneurs. Just like the spelling of the company name, Qeld does it all just a little differently: faster, easier and more effective.

Qeld is the Dutch division of Qred: the expert in business loans. Quid is a Swedish company, founded in 2015, with a clear goal: to make financing for entrepreneurs easier, faster and more flexible. We love small entrepreneurs and offer them the opportunity to grow, invest and build their dreams! 

How do we do this? By providing flexible business loans that can be repaid at any time. This means an entrepreneur only pays for the period he or she actually needs the loan. Qeld offers business loans from €1,000 to €500,000, with no start-up costs or hassles.

How do I become a partner of Qeld?

Would you like to become a partner of Qeld? Signing up as a new partner is simple, quick and easy. You can apply for partnership on our Partners page by clicking on the button 'Become a partner of Qeld'. Then fill in your contact and company details to complete the application. Our team will be in touch shortly to discuss your partnership application further.

How does a partnership with Qeld work?

A partnership with Qeld gives businesses the opportunity to help customers find the right funding for their products/services, whilst benefitting from a possible commission structure. The concept is simple and straightforward. Do you know an entrepreneur who is looking for a business loan? Then you can refer the entrepreneur to Qeld for a free application. Does your contact sign the offer for a business loan from Qeld? Then you may be eligible for a commission. This referral program for partners gives you the opportunity to receive financial bonuses, while directly providing your contacts with flexible funding to invest, innovate and grow. 

Qeld likes to think along with you about how we can best serve your clients, business relations and/or acquaintances. We have the option to adapt the structure of a partnership to the specific wishes of an entrepreneur. From leasing companies to financial advisors: our partners can be found in all industries and sectors. From small start-ups to large companies: every ambitious entrepreneur can become a partner of Qeld. 

Signing up as a partner of Qeld is non-binding and free of charge, so register your interest today and press the button 'Become a partner of Qeld', found on our digital partner page.